ABSTRACT:In today’s society, the importance of technology in educationisgrowing. However, we must use technology in moderation to avoiditsnegative effects. In education, this refers to the concernthat an excessivereliance on technologymay lead to a superficial engagement withknowledge, therebydiminishing the importanceof genuinelearning and personaldevelopment. This studyaims to find out the challenges faced bysecondaryschoolteachers in the era of digital learning and to see the significantdifferences in the challengesfaced by the teachersaccording to their area and age. The researchersused a Descriptive Research Design,whichused a survey checklist. The participants in thisstudywere 30 secondaryschoolteachers insomeselectedschools in Zamboanga City and ZamboangSibugay. Based on the collectedresults and data, theresearcherswillpresent the following conclusion. The mostusedteachingtechnology by teachersis the PowerpointPresentation and itwasfoundthatitis more necessary to improve the knowledge of teachers in teaching thetechnologicalmethod by attending workshops and otheractivities. Therefore, itissuggestedthatteachersbegivenadequatetechnologicalequipmentthatthey can use in teaching.
KEYWORDS –Digital Era, Education, Innovation, Technology, Strategy