ABSTRACT: The study results assessed head teacher’s knowledge and understanding of their leadershipcurriculum: a case studyof theKumasi Metropolis, Ghana.The case study research design is used. Quantitativeresearch approach was used. The population for the study was fifty-five (55) respondents comprising of headteachers in the selected schools in the Kumasi Metropolis. Census method was used to select 55 respondents forthe study. Questionnaire was the main instrument used to gather primary data. Illustrative representations of thestatistical summaries of the result would be presented in the form of frequency tables, mean and ranking. Thestudy results indicate that, 66% of the respondents agreed that head teachersto be able to operationalizecurriculum leadership knowledge of their curriculum improvement designs for school enhancement isvital,which has mean score of 4.38, ranked 1st. Moreover, 54.7% agreed that proficientskilled-developmentprograms designed for head teachers should essentially focused on their understanding of curriculum values,models, and procedures (mean score of 4.21, ranked 2nd). The study recommended that Ghana EducationServices (GES) in connection with the local educational directories should include heads teachers in the planningand designing of the curriculum activities of the metropolis. Also, the head teachers of selected Senior HighSchools (SHSs) in the Kumasi Metropolis should continue to be sensitive to teachers concerns and assistteachers to deal with change in curriculum design and planning in the schools.