Herders-Farmers’ Armed Conflicts and the Possible effects of Anti-Open Grazing Law in Ekiti State, Nigeria – AJHSSR

Herders-Farmers’ Armed Conflicts and the Possible effects of Anti-Open Grazing Law in Ekiti State, Nigeria

Herders-Farmers’ Armed Conflicts and the Possible effects of Anti-Open Grazing Law in Ekiti State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT: Herders in search of greener pasture to feed their cattle adequately struggles with the farmers and creating pressure on the resources of any of the community where they moved their livestock into for grazing. The farmers who are predominantly arable and cash crop agronomists would not stand to see their land to be invaded by cattle, thus violent resistant and, a reprisal violent attacks by herdsmen. Arising from the very many cases of armed violent among farmers, herdsmen and people within the communities in Ekiti state, the government therefore, took a bold step and enacted laws to prohibit open grazing especially on farm lands. In order of this research, interviews were conducted with the target population (community leaders, the farmers, and some herdsmen) to identify the factors responsible for herders-farmers‟ persistent violent conflicts, investigate the various herdsmen attacks in Ekiti state and assess the positive effects of Ekiti state Anti-Open Grazing Law on Herders-Farmers‟ conflict in Ekiti state, Nigeria. The study revealed that the incessant attacks and killings of both the farmers and the herders prompted the law prohibiting cattle and other ruminants grazing in Ekiti by the State Government in 2016. Following the findings of this study, a conclusion is drawn, that Anti Open Grazing Law is very effective and hence the activities of the herders and farmers in Ekiti state should be supervised and monitored continually through this law to prevent reoccurrence of the conflicts.
KEYWORDS: Armed conflicts, farmers, herders, grazing, laws.