SUMMARY: In this article, the autorthere are drawn the features of the architect and builder of the modern Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, the various aspects of foreign policy of our Republic in the context of his activities.In the article it is noted that one of the important factors in formation of geopolitics is a question of energetic security. Solving this question is of strategical importance in all states. But the nature has unequally shared the energy recourses between the countries. Hence solution of this strategically important problem turns into one of the basic factors of rise and development of the international relations. And it, in its turn makes every state build own system of energy security in conformity with their energy resources. In the author’s opinion, there exist also other factors regulating emergence and realization of this policy. The realities show that to achieve own aims the majority of the countries with restricted resources prefer to join the different regional and international projects.
KEY WORDS:Context, Silk way, Energy, social, political, philosophical analysis, universal values, national harmony, Foreıgn polıcy, AZERBAIJAN