History of Primary and Secondary Education Five Year Plans in Pakistan: A Review of the Literature – AJHSSR

History of Primary and Secondary Education Five Year Plans in Pakistan: A Review of the Literature

History of Primary and Secondary Education Five Year Plans in Pakistan: A Review of the Literature

ABSTRACT: The quality education is an indispensable and inevitable agent for change aseducation is aprocess of civilization and development. The issue of deterioration of qualityin education in Pakistan, especiallydecline in quality of secondary education was the sloganof the day. The major purpose of the research is tocompare and analyze the quality of education throughout history by understanding the Five-Year Plans initiatedby the Government of Pakistan inpublic and private schools of Punjab. It was discovered that while the planswere detailed in theory, in terms of practical application much was left to be desired. It was understood thatwhile students attended the schools at both primary and secondary levels, they were not given the quality ofeducation promised. As a result the quality of education in primary and secondary schools in Punjab sufferedgreatly. It is recommended that the next Five Year Plan initiated by the Government of Pakistan be implementedin letter and spirit so that the students of primary and secondary schools in Punjab could benefit greatly from it.

KEYWORDS: Education, Pakistan, Secondary, Primary, Punjab.