How Can the Work Environment Affects the Lecturers’ Creativity – AJHSSR

How Can the Work Environment Affects the Lecturers’ Creativity

How Can the Work Environment Affects the Lecturers’ Creativity

ABSTRACT : Lecturer creativity is a personal trait that is reflected in the lecturer’s ability to create somethingnew, process something that already exists to be more innovative or combine various things to be more useful.This research is oriented to examine and analyze the dimensions of the work environment, namely thedimensions of the physical environment (internal), non-physical environment (internal), and physicalenvironment (external) and non-physical environment (external) in 101 lecturers at the College of Sciences.Economics (STIE) in Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province (Indonesia). Hypothesis testing with the supportof partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) with Smart PLS 3 software. The researchfindings provide evidence that the work environment in the dimensions of the physical environment (external)felt by the lecturers and the Non-physical environment (internal) perceived by the lecturers make a real (strong)contribution to improving lecturer creativity towards an increasing direction. conditions Different shown in thedimensions of the Non-physical environment (external) and Physical environment (internal) cannot increaselecturer creativity in a high direction due to harmonization of relationships with fellow lecturers and/or students,although it has been well established but has not been able to improve the ability of lecturers to generate andimplement new ideas.

KEYWORDS : Environment, external, internal, non-physical, physical