How Physical Education Affects the Development and Success of Children with Special Educational Needs – AJHSSR

How Physical Education Affects the Development and Success of Children with Special Educational Needs

How Physical Education Affects the Development and Success of Children with Special Educational Needs

ABSTRACT: The purpose of the study was to review the literature that covered important issuesthat affectthesuccess of special educational needs (SEN) children and find out whetherthese features could be developedby the implementation of effective physical education in the education of the same. 201 scholarly articles wereexamined; personal inclusion and exclusion criteria were utilized to obtain the most valuable and appropriateinformation. A set of 20 articles was chosen with the view to finding the answer to the research question andexplore the subject from all perspectives. The academic performance of children with special educational needs,successful integrations of the specialized education for SEN children, the influenceof exercising on the students’performance, and teachers’ and parents’ effecton the performance of SEN children were explored to drawproper conclusions concerningthe research question.