ABSTRACT: This study focuses in the use of Illustrated Glossary of Terms in Selected World Literature as aLearning Material and its relationship in the Level of Reading Comprehension. It employed descriptivecorrelational research which determined the perception on the use of illustrated glossary by means of self-madequestionnaire. Data were analyzed with mean and standard deviation. A 60-item self-made pen and paper testwas administered to assess the level of reading comprehension. Data were then analyzed with frequency andpercentage. Pearson-r was utilized to determine significant relationship between illustrated glossary and level ofreading comprehension. Respondents were 100 Grade 10 students of Col. Lauro D. Dizon Memorial IntegratedHigh School who were selected through simple random sampling. The result showed that respondents stronglyagree to material’s objectives, content, design, durability and ease of use. Moreover, a large percentage ofrespondents garnered an outstanding score in three levels of reading comprehension. From the results, it showedthat there is no significant relationship between illustrated glossary and level of reading comprehension for thereis no enough statistical evidence to reject the claim therefore hypothesis is sustained. Meanwhile, the material’sdesign has a significant relationship in inferential and critical levels of reading comprehension.
Keywords- descriptive-correlational, education, illustrated glossary, learning material, level of readingcomprehension