Impact of Agricultural Expenditures on the Economic Growth in Nigeria Using Lagos State Expenditures on Coconut Plantations As A Case Study. – AJHSSR

Impact of Agricultural Expenditures on the Economic Growth in Nigeria Using Lagos State Expenditures on Coconut Plantations As A Case Study.

Impact of Agricultural Expenditures on the Economic Growth in Nigeria Using Lagos State Expenditures on Coconut Plantations As A Case Study.

ABSTRACT : The study examines the impact of agricultural expenditures on the economic growth in Nigeriausing Lagos State expenditures on coconut plantations as a case study. The empirical analysis begins withan investigate the statistically significant differences between Lagos State agricultural expenditures of coconutplantations and the economic growth in Nigeria and the examination of the significant effects of Lagos StateAgricultural expenditures of coconut seedlings on the economic growth in Nigeria. Employing the ANOVAfactorial design experiments to test for the significant differences between the coconut seedlings such as SWAT,IWAT, HYBRID and DWARF expenditures the result reveals that there is a significant difference existingbetween the Lagos state Agricultural expenditures on Coconut plantation and economic growth inNigeria. Furthermore, the tests of significance effects of the parameter estimates were used to investigate if thereis a significant effect of Lagos State Agricultural expenditures of coconut seedlings on the economic growth inNigeria. The study shows that there is a significant effect of Agricultural expenditures of coconut plantation onthe economic growth in Nigeria. The study by and large recommends that the proportion of governmentexpenditure that goes into agricultural expenditures especially the Lagos State Agricultural expenditures on thecoconut plantation should be increased since the component of the various Lagos state total agriculturalexpenditures on the SWAT, IWAT, HYBRID and DWARF coconut plantation exerts significant differences aswell as significant effect on agricultural economic growth.