ABSTRACT : Due to oil exploration and other human activities in Ogoniland, there are evidences of environmental degradation all over the area. These exploration and production activities has local detrimental effects and considerable imprint on the ambient quality of air, soils and sediments surface and ground water marine environment, bio-diversity and sustainability of both the marine and the terrestrial ecosystems of the oil producing communities in Ogoniland. It has affected the socio-cultural aspects of the environment, not only leading to extinction of different viable plant species and water pollution but also affects the quality of life and health of the people in the host communities.Streams, wells and rain water harvesting have traditionally been used as sources of water supply before the exploration of oil in Ogoni Land. However these traditional sources of water supply have been severely contaminated by the oil exploration and production activity thus limited the options of the locals in accessing clean water. The purpose of this study therefore is to ascertain the impact of loss of water supply source in Ogoniland as a result of Oil exploration and production. A case study design was adopted for this research. It employed a positivist, quantitative approach to the development questionnaires. These questionnaires were developed and administered to the household heads in the study area. A total of 392 questionnaires were administered across eight sampled communities for the study. Out of the 392 sampled questionnaires administered, a total of 361 were successfully retrieved. The data gathered from the field was analysed using descriptive techniques The research revealed that the loss of water supply in the study area has led to an increase in the cost of accessing water, increased usage of unclean water, decrease in the general usage of water, loss of sources of income and general increase in health bills as a result of waterborne diseases. It is therefore recommended that more proactive steps be initiated to clean the impacted sites affected by the oil spills, while comprehensive groundwater monitoring be carried out to ascertain the present state of the groundwater as the clean up exercise continues. Moreso governments and its agencies should provide an easily accessible water supply scheme to provide sufficient safe water to meet community needs. This will drastically reduce the impact of contaminated water that may complicate existing health issues within the study area.
KEYWORDS: Environment, Water Supply, Petroleum Exploration and Production