Implementation of Good Governance Public Service LawInvestment and One-Stop Service in Issuing Business Identification Numbers in Kendari City – AJHSSR

Implementation of Good Governance Public Service LawInvestment and One-Stop Service in Issuing Business Identification Numbers in Kendari City

Implementation of Good Governance Public Service LawInvestment and One-Stop Service in Issuing Business Identification Numbers in Kendari City

ABSTRACT : Purpose study For analyze implementation law service public good governance ServiceInvestment And One Stop Service in emit number parent doing business in Kendari City. Study This use studylaw normative normative legal research, namely research conducted _ with method study regulation applicablelaws _ to something problem law particular , especially those related with Implementation Law Service PublicGood Governance Service Investment And One Stop Service In Emit Number Parent Doing Business in KendariCity. Research results showing that 1). Implementation Law Service Public Good Governance ServiceInvestment And One Stop Service In Emit Number Parent Trying in Kendari City, not yet maximum carried outby the Department Investment And One Stop Service Because Still found a number of perpetrator still business_ violate Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2012 Concerning Kendari City Regional Spatial Plan 2010-2030 ,Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2011 Concerning Buildings , Regional Regulation Number 15 of 2008Concerning Line Boundary , as well lack of coordination with Organization Device area . On the other hand inimplementation gift service public in good governance has done with Good in publishing Number Parent Try inaccordance with Standard operational Procedure .

KEYWORDS: One Door , Licensing , Trying