Implication of Violation of Cooperation Principles in Video YouTube Channel Arif Muhammad – AJHSSR

Implication of Violation of Cooperation Principles in Video YouTube Channel Arif Muhammad

Implication of Violation of Cooperation Principles in Video YouTube Channel Arif Muhammad

ABSTRACT : A drama has now become an entertainment trend that is shown in the form of video. Videos can be accessed on social media. Communication on social media has become everyone’s daily life today. When communicating, there are many utterances that imply something, thus hiding the meaning. It can happen, according to what is meant by implicature. Arif Muhammad’s youtube channel is interesting because it takes interesting pictures so that the aspect of video creativity is maximized. In each episode, it always brings up the characteristics of the characters, even though they are only played by one player. The comedy and dramatization elements in Arif Muhammad’s YouTube channel videos lead to a violation of the principle of cooperation. The total data in this study were 145. The data included conventional implicatures, maxims of quantity, maxims of quality, maxims of relevance, and maxims of implementation.

KEYWORDS : implicature, maxim, cooperation principles, youtube, Arif Muhammad