ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to develop a bilingual interactive ebook with a constructivism forBasic English courses. The quality of bilingual interactive ebook is reviewed based on aspects of validity,practicality, and effectiveness. This research is a development research with ADDIE model (Analysis, Design,Development, Implementation, Evaluation). (1) The analysis phase includes (a) curriculum analysis; (b) analysisof teaching materials; and (c) analysis of student characters. (2) The design phase includes (a) outline design ofa bilingual interactive ebook; (b) compile a map of textbook needs; and (c) preparation of research instruments.(3) The development phase includes (a) writing a bilingual interactive ebook; (b) validation of bilingualinteractive ebook; and (c) revised interactive bilingual ebook. (4) The implementation phase includes testingtextbooks. (5) The evaluation phase includes (a) an interactive bilingual ebook evaluation by the lecturer; (b)evaluation of the practicality of bilingual interactive ebook by students; and (c) evaluating the effectiveness ofusing bilingual interactive ebook in learning. The product of this research is a bilingual interactive ebook mediafor Basic English courses. The results obtained include (1) the quality of bilingual interactive ebook based onvalidity aspects, including the very good category with an average score of 4.41 according to material expertratings and 4.51 according to media expert ratings; (2) the quality of the interactive bilingual ebook from theaspect of practicality in terms of the response of lecturers is very good with an average score of 4.53; (3) thequality of bilingual interactive ebook based on the effectiveness aspect in terms of the results of the pretest andposttest students of the Basic English course showed an increase in learning achievement from an average scoreof 50.9 at pretest to 73.9 at posttest; and (4) the final evaluation of a bilingual interactive ebook in terms of theresponses of students who took the Basic English course with an average score of 4.20 English studentsresponding to the agree category.
KEYWORDS :Interactive ebook, bilingual, constructivism, ethnochemistry, Basic English