Indian Nuclear Development, NSG and Nuclear NonProliferation: An Analysis – AJHSSR

Indian Nuclear Development, NSG and Nuclear NonProliferation: An Analysis

Indian Nuclear Development, NSG and Nuclear NonProliferation: An Analysis

ABSTRACT: This research paper identifies the issues and shortcomings in the global nuclear non-proliferationregime, in the context of US policies that have facilitated India and has disturbed South Asia’s Balance ofTerror. The Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), with its three pillars which include; nuclear weapons, arms controland disarmament, and the peaceful use of nuclear energy, is considered to be the pivot of the global nuclear nonproliferation regime. While the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) complements the non-proliferation ideal of thenon-proliferation regime. Both the NPT and the NSG allows the sharing of nuclear technology, among thesignatory states of the NPT, for peaceful purposes only. This merit of sharing nuclear know-how for onlypeaceful purposes is also one of the factors to be considered for participation in the NSG. The Indian-US nucleardeal, NSG wavier to India and the India-IAEA safeguards agreement are identified as the demonstration of howfacilitating India can compromise the non-proliferation ideals.

Keywords: India, Nuclear, NSG, Nuclear Non-Proliferation, US