ABSTRACT: The level of dilapidation of school buildings and other facilities in Nigerian schools has become an issue of great concern to educational managers. The study specifically focused on assessing the influence of corruption on school plant maintenance in tertiary educational institutions in Kebbi State. The study deliberately selected five tertiary educational institutions, while 200 lecturers and 850 students were selected using stratified random sampling techniques. A validated questionnaire with reliability index of 0.83 was used to collect data for the study. Three research questions were answered using simple percentages while three hypotheses were formulated and tested using Chi-square at 0.05 alpha level. The study revealed that corruption influenced staff performance of maintenance activities, provision of maintenance tools as well as the management of finances meant for school plant maintenance. It was recommended among others that school managers should strictly supervise maintenance staff and have proper inventory of equipment as well as emphasize honest auditing of finances for maintenance of school plant.
KEYWORDS: School Plant, Maintenance, Corruption, Equipment