ABSTRACT: Human growth and development are characterized by stages and one of these is the adolescence. It is based on that this study examined the influence of demographic factors and peer relations on adolescents’ aggressive behaviour in Chikun Local Government Area of Kaduna State. Cross sectional survey research method was employed using convenient sampling technique. Two hundred and ten (210) adolescents were selected to participate in the study both male and female from the age of 12-18. Two questionnaire were adopted to collect data from the participants: Index of Peer Relation and Adolescents Aggressive Questionnaires. Three hypotheses were analysed using Multiple Regression Analysis and Correlation Analysis. Hypothesis one result revealed that demographic factors and peer relations vary positively. However, only peer relations (with p < 0.05) have significant positive relationship with demographic factors. This means that there is a significant influence of demographic factors and peer relations on adolescents’ aggressive behaviour in Chikun L.G.A of Kaduna State. Hypothesis two shows peer relations on adolescents’ aggressive behaviour vary positively. However, only peer relations (with p < 0.05) have significant positive relationship with adolescent’s aggressive behaviour. This means that there is a significant influence of peer relations on adolescents’ aggressive behaviour in Chikun L.G.A of Kaduna State. Hypothesis three shows demographic factors on adolescents’ aggressive behaviour vary positively. However, only demographic factors (with p < 0.05) have significant positive relationship with adolescents’ aggressive behaviour. This means that there is a significant influence of demographic factors on adolescents’ aggressive behaviour in Chikun L.G.A of Kaduna State. It was concluded that demographic factors such as age, gender and class do influences peer relation and adolescents’ aggressive behaviour since slightly more boys than girls had high levels of vulnerability to peer pressure and recommended that Parents should have effective supervision and should not allow other home environmental factor to distract their children.
Keywords: Demographic Factors, Peer Relations, Adolescents and Aggressive Behaviour.