Influence of Interpersonal Justiceon Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of Public Servants in Kenya – AJHSSR

Influence of Interpersonal Justiceon Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of Public Servants in Kenya

Influence of Interpersonal Justiceon Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of Public Servants in Kenya

ABSTRACT:The theme of justice has become one of the most popular and most sought after concept in organization studies. Fair and impartial cooperative behavior among employees reduces conflict and transaction costs at the workplace. Organizations can achieve increased employee morale, give them sense of being valued, and reduce their turnover if there is justice in the interpersonal treatment of employees by supervisors and managers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between interpersonal justice and organizational citizenship behavior of public servants in Kenya. The study hypothesized that when employees perceive the presence of interpersonal fairness in their organizations, they respond positively by displaying
organizational citizenship behavior, which is an organizational outcome that makes employees work above and beyond their job descriptions requirements. With interpersonal justice, employees will be able to compromise any difficulties at the workplace and foster positive work climate which enhance efficiency and effectiveness