ABSTRACT : The purpose of this research is to find out and explain the influence of leadership and informationtechnology on the performance of the Village Credit Institutions (LPD) employees in Mengwi District, BadungRegency. This research is a survey research using a questionnaire as the main research instrument to explain theinterrelation of the variables studied. It also uses in-depth interviews with key informants to support or explorethe findings of quantitative analysis. In this study the number of respondents used was 127 employees and thedata analysis technique used in this study was descriptive analysis aimed to provide a description of thedemographics of research respondents and a description of the research variables and inferential analysistechniques used to test empirical models and hypotheses using a variance-based structural equation model orknown as Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study are leadership and information technology have apositive and significant influence on employee performance at the Village Credit Institution (LPD) in MengwiDistrict, Badung Regency.
Keywords -employee performance, leadership , information technology