Influence of Radio Igbo Programs on the Sustainance of Igbo Language: A Study of Ozisa FM, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria – AJHSSR

Influence of Radio Igbo Programs on the Sustainance of Igbo Language: A Study of Ozisa FM, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria

Influence of Radio Igbo Programs on the Sustainance of Igbo Language: A Study of Ozisa FM, Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT: This study sought to investigate the influence of radio Igbo programmes on the sustainance of Igbo language using Ozisa FM, Owerri as a focal point. Agenda setting and language expectancy theories were used as the theoretical framework. The study adopted the survey method research design. Using the Taro Yamane sample size formula, a total of 399 respondents were sampled from the total population of 555,500 residents of Owerri metropolis. Questionnaire served as instrument of data collection. Findings revealed that at an average of 53% residents of Owerri has high level of knowledge on Igbo language based on their exposure to Igbo language programmes on Ozisa FM radio. It was also revealed that an average of 61% of the respondents have positive perception on Igbo language programmes on Ozisa FM radio. It was further revealed that an average of 57% respondents agreed that Ozisa FM Igbo language programmes influenced residents of Owerri positively. It was recommended that, owing to the level of knowledge as a result of exposure to Ozisa FM radio Igbo language programmes, Igbo people should engage in speaking Igbo language especially during conversation in order to keep transferring the knowledge from person to person. Ozisa FM radio station staff should be motivated and encouraged especially the content creators so as to keep producing quality content that can continuously hold the interest of people thereby induce positive perception among the people, and to also keep the station afloat.
KEYWORDS: Radio programmes, Igbo Langauage, Ozisa FM, Owerri