Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Integration and Challenges in the Chuzagang Primary School in Sarpang. – AJHSSR

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Integration and Challenges in the Chuzagang Primary School in Sarpang.

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Integration and Challenges in the Chuzagang Primary School in Sarpang.

ABSTRACT :The integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Education has becomea global imperative, transforming traditional pedagogical approaches and enhancing learning experiences. Thisstudy delves into the current state of ICT integration and the associated benefits and challenges Chuzagangprimary school in Sarpang. This study employed a qualitative research approach for data collection techniquesto explore the ICT integration landscape in the school. Interviews, class observations, and documentation haveprovided valuable insights pertaining to the technology adoption. A total of 20 students, 10 teachers and 6parents participated in the study.The findings revealed that there are potential benefits of ICT integration as well as various challenges in theimplementation of technology-based teaching. These challenges encompass infrastructure limitations,inadequate professional training for teachers, curriculum alignment difficulties, unstable internet connectivityand socio-economic disparities among the students.

Keywords: Benefits, Challenges, Digital devices, ICT Integration