ABSTRACT : Career choice is a decision making process to seek satisfaction from the job to be occupied. Thepurpose of this study was to determine the effect of professional training and personality on career choice as apublic accountant moderated by internal locus of control. This research was conducted in Economics andBusiness Faculty of Udayana University. The number of samples taken using Slovin formula with probabilitysampling method especially simple random sampling, obtained 168 samples. Data collection was obtainedthrough by distributing questionnaires. Data analysis using multiple linear regression and Moderated RegressionAnalysis. Based on the result of data analysis it was found that professional training and personality has apositive and significant effect on career choice as a public accountant. This study also found that internal locusof control strengthents the effect of professional training and personality on career choice as a public accountant.
Keywords : Public Accountant, Professional Training, Personality, Internal Locus of Control