Interrogating the opportunities brought by the new constitutional dispensation in protecting children’s right to education. – AJHSSR

Interrogating the opportunities brought by the new constitutional dispensation in protecting children’s right to education.

Interrogating the opportunities brought by the new constitutional dispensation in protecting children’s right to education.

ABSTRACT: The study interrogated how the current constitutional and political dispensation can be exploited to fully protect the right to education in Zimbabwe. The aim of the study was to examine the extent to which the right to basic state funded education is being implemented in Zimbabwe to contribute towards a model that serves the best interests of the child. Qualitative research methods were used to collect and analyse data throughin-depth interviews with parents to assess the extent to which the right to education is being realised under the new constitutional dispensation. In addition to interviews, literature review was extensively done of wide scholarship on the right to education in Zimbabwe. The study found out thata huge gap exists between the provisions of the law and the reality of children in accessing education in Zimbabwe. The study findings also revealed that the demands of the new education curriculum have rendered the right to education nugatory.The study recommends government subsidy on new curriculum needs and immediate introduction of free primary education in Zimbabwe.
KEY WORDS: Right to Education, Constitution, State Funded, New Curriculum