Intrinsic Motivation Mediates Proactive Personality to the Creativity of Employees (Empirical Study at Plant-Based Chocolate Factory in Bali, Indonesia) – AJHSSR

Intrinsic Motivation Mediates Proactive Personality to the Creativity of Employees (Empirical Study at Plant-Based Chocolate Factory in Bali, Indonesia)

Intrinsic Motivation Mediates Proactive Personality to the Creativity of Employees (Empirical Study at Plant-Based Chocolate Factory in Bali, Indonesia)

ABSTRACT : Creativity is a person’s ability to create new ideas and works of value and benefit as well as to develop products, services, or organizational procedures. For employees to be motivated to have creativity, an organization needs to pay attention to the factors that affect creativity. The purpose of this study is to explain the role of intrinsic motivation in mediating proactive personality towards creativity. This research was conducted at the main office of PT. POD Mengwi. The number of samples taken was 59 employees using the saturated sample method. Data collection was carried out through interviews and questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is path analysis. Based on the results, proactive personality has a positive and significant effect on creativity; proactive personality has a positive and significant effect on intrinsic motivation; intrinsic motivation has a positive and significant effect on creativity and intrinsic motivation can partially mediate the effect of proactive personality on creativity. This research implies that it is hoped that leaders and employees will be able to encourage creativity and increase the proactive personality of employees by providing opportunities so that employees can overcome problems in their work.

KEYWORDS: creativity, intrinsic motivation, proactive personality