Intrinsic Motivation Mediates The Influence Of Transformational Leadership On The Employee Performance – AJHSSR

Intrinsic Motivation Mediates The Influence Of Transformational Leadership On The Employee Performance

Intrinsic Motivation Mediates The Influence Of Transformational Leadership On The Employee Performance

ABSTRACT : Purpose of study is to determine the role of intrinsic motivation mediating the effect oftransformational leadership on employee performance conducted at the Inspectorate of Bali. 151 employees usedas samples using saturated sampling. Data collection is done through interviews and questionnaires, dataanalyzed using path analysis and sobel test. The results found that transformational leadership has positive andsignificant effect on employee performance, transformational leadership has a positive and significant effect onintrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation has significant positive effect on employee performance and intrinsicmotivation positively and significantly mediates the effect of transformational leadership on employeeperformance. Implications are expected to be able to lead the creativity of subordinates in doing work and theleader is able to provide encouragement to employees so that the spirit of work so that employees are able toincrease their contribution and performance in order to create more effective and efficient work.

Keywords – employee performance, transformational leadership, intrinsic motivation