Investigating the Effectiveness of Teaching Content of Arabic Language Communication in Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA): A Case Study of the Faculty of Ushuluddin. – AJHSSR

Investigating the Effectiveness of Teaching Content of Arabic Language Communication in Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA): A Case Study of the Faculty of Ushuluddin.

Investigating the Effectiveness of Teaching Content of Arabic Language Communication in Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA): A Case Study of the Faculty of Ushuluddin.

ABSTRACT : This research aims to introduce the content effectiveness of the Arabic language communication inthe Faculty of Ushuluddin, Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA), Brunei Darussalam. The researchers havedistributed the questionnaire to Level one students in the same faculty, the same university, who attended ArabicLanguage Communication class, 2024 session. They were 12 students among overall number of 30 students, (whichsampled 40%). After these students arrived at the required data, they carried out quantitative and evaluative analysis toarrive at the required results. This research finds that the positive aspects of method content of teaching Arabic LanguageCommunication in Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA) commensurate with the aims and objectives of themethod (85%); that it commensurate with the language level of students (88.3%); that it commensurate with the agelevel of student (83.3%); that it contains exercises on listening skill improvement for daily interaction (86.7%); that itcontains exercises on reading skill improvement for daily interaction (90%); that it contains exercises on speaking skillimprovement for daily interaction(88.3%); that that it contains exercises on writing skill improvement for dailyinteraction (86.7%); that it contains exercises on four language skills’ improvement for daily interaction on balancedlevel (83.3%); that it commensurate with Educational Background of students (80%); that it maintain individualdifferences between the students (80%); that it is presented gradually to the students from the easier to the harder (90%);that it contains topics needed by the students for daily interaction (85%); that it contains pieces of word needed bystudents for daily interaction (88.3%);that it contains syntactical rules needed by students for daily interaction (81.7%);that it contains morphological rules needed by students for daily interaction (80%); on the negative part, it shows thatthe content of teaching Arabic language communication does not commensurate with the aims and objectives of themethod in the Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (15%); that it does not commensurate with language level of students(11.7%), that it does not commensurate with the age level of students (16.7%); that it does not contain exercises onlistening skill improvement for daily interaction (13.3%); that it does not contain exercises on reading skill improvementfor daily interaction (10%); that it does not contain exercises on speaking skill improvement for daily interaction(11.7%); that it does not contain exercises on writing skill improvement for daily interaction (13.3%); that it does notcontain exercises on four language skills improvement on balanced level (16.7%); that it does not commensurate witheducational background of the students (20%); that it does not maintain individual differences of the students (20%);that it is not presented gradually from the easier to the harder (10%) that it does not contain topics needed by studentsfor daily interaction (15%); that it does not contain pieces of word needed by students for daily interaction (11.7%); thatit does not contain the syntactical rules needed by students for daily interaction (18.3%); that it does not contain themorphological rules needed by students for daily interaction (20%);

KEYWORDS: Content, Arabic, Language, Communication.