Investigating the Effectiveness of the Test System in the Curriculum of Arabic Language Teaching in the Light of the Opinions of Arabic School Students in Brunei Darussalam: The Case of the Grade Seven Students – AJHSSR

Investigating the Effectiveness of the Test System in the Curriculum of Arabic Language Teaching in the Light of the Opinions of Arabic School Students in Brunei Darussalam: The Case of the Grade Seven Students

Investigating the Effectiveness of the Test System in the Curriculum of Arabic Language Teaching in the Light of the Opinions of Arabic School Students in Brunei Darussalam: The Case of the Grade Seven Students

ABSTRACT :This research aims at investigating the effectiveness of methods of teaching Arabic language in Grade seven of Arabic schools in the province of Brunei Darussalam. The researchers distributed Questionnaire to students studying Arabic language there-in.Their population is 221 students and after retrieving the Questionnaire required by the research, the researchers analyzed them quantitatively to get the required results the research concluded that the positive aspects of the system of test of the class seven of the Arabic language school of Brunei Darussalam is able to measure the students‟ competence of listening skills up to (71.7%), their reading skills by (77.7%) their speaking skills up to (74.2), their writing skills by (78.3%) and that the distribution of grades for all the four language skills is equally distributed by (70.9%)and that it contains Arabic grammar questions up to (75.5%); and contains questions of Arabic morphology up to 63.1%and questions on rules of writing up to (74.8%) and that it is commensurate with the lessons and exercises presented to students in class by (78.5%) and reflects the true the linguistic level of the students by (74.3%) but the negative aspects reveals the fact that the test system of the grade seven students of the Arabic schools of Brunei Darussalam does not measure the students listening skills up to (28.3%), their reading skills up to (22.3%), their speaking competence by (25.8%), the writing skills by (21.7%),and distribution of scores for the four language skills unequally by (29.1%), and it does not contain Arabic grammar questions up to (24.5%) the Arabic morphology questions up to (36.9%), questions of rules of writing up to (25.2%) and does not commensurate with lessons and exercises presented to students in classes by (21.5)