ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between smartphone addiction, perceivedstress level and life satisfaction in adults. . In this study, sociodemographic form, Smartphone Addiction ScaleShort Form, Perceived Stress Scale (YDO) and Life Satisfaction Scale were used. In this context, when theeffect of sociodemographic data on the variables is examined; it is observed that the amount of income ofindividuals is effective on the level of perceived stress. The amount of perceived stress differs between thosewho use smartphones mostly for social media purposes and those who use them for entertainme nt-photographinternet purposes. It has been determined that the income levels of individuals are effective on the LifeSatisfaction and the satisfaction they get from life is also affected by income level. In addition, the amount ofsatisfaction from life differs according to age groups. In particular, it has been determined that there aredifferences between people who spend 2-4 hours on a smart phone and those who use it for 11 hours or more. Inorder to obtain a more specific result in the literature, it is recommended to develop the study by keeping itlimited to elderly individuals or adolescent individuals.
KEYWORDS: Perceived Stress, Satisfaction with Life, Smartphone Addiction