Investigation on the influence of Transposition as a Translation Strategy in the Field of Online Journalism in Sri Lanka – AJHSSR

Investigation on the influence of Transposition as a Translation Strategy in the Field of Online Journalism in Sri Lanka

Investigation on the influence of Transposition as a Translation Strategy in the Field of Online Journalism in Sri Lanka

ABSTRACT: Translation has become such a crucial part of journalism, and online journalism in particularhas placed high value on translation given diversity of the readership. There are number of translation strategiesutilized during the process of translation, and this research focuses on the translation strategy – transposition,and its influence on online journalism, as the prime objective. A case study was employed having recognizedfour news websites in Sri Lanka through convenience sampling and content analysis was used to analyze thedata. The results indicated that the translation strategy – transposition is heavily applied in online journalism,but the implementation of transposition has resulted in a huge amount of errors in the translations includingfactual errors, grammatical errors as well as semantic errors.

KEYWORDS: Translation, Translation Strategy, Transposition, Online Journalism, Sri Lanka