Is Transcendental Healing of Painful Memories Possible? A Reflection on the Role of Pastoral Counselling and Storytelling – AJHSSR

Is Transcendental Healing of Painful Memories Possible? A Reflection on the Role of Pastoral Counselling and Storytelling

Is Transcendental Healing of Painful Memories Possible? A Reflection on the Role of Pastoral Counselling and Storytelling

ABSTRACT: This study examines the contributions of pastoral counselling andstorytellingin healing andrestoring painful memories. The study applies Louw‘s life storyandLartey‘s relationship-orientedmodelsas thetheoretical framework. The datawere collected through participant observation, document analysis, and theresearchers‘long years of experience in pastoral ministry and counselling.The finding reveals that storytellingremains a powerful tool forhealing wounded memories. The pastoral counselling and storytellingcreate a safespace for seekers tointeract, found emotional strength to reignite healing processes, reclaim their volitionandcreate retrospection that reconnects thehealing seekers with their painful memories. The study recommendsthat government shouldprioritise memory healing programmes, partner with the church, chiefs and relevantorganisations through sponsorship, provide counselling centres for hurting men to voice out and seek healing intheir communities, regulate churches, and reduce violence shown on the South African media in the name oftelling our stories or entertainment.

KEYWORDS: unresolved bitterness; brokenness; painful memories; trauma; addictions; woundedness; groupsupport therapy; Journey of healing