It will be the Philosophy of Information, a Philosophy for Knowledge Society in the Digital Age? – AJHSSR

It will be the Philosophy of Information, a Philosophy for Knowledge Society in the Digital Age?

It will be the Philosophy of Information, a Philosophy for Knowledge Society in the Digital Age?

ABSTRACT: In this article, it is discussed whether the philosophy of information is a philosophy for the Digital Society? This issue arises, as relevant due to the accelerated development of Information and Communication Technologies, and its dissemination among people, which is contributing to the globalization and the development of the ―Knowledge Society‖, in the digital age. We have new types of issues, especially about the relationship between action / technology / environment. As we will argue, a new way of understanding the world, human beings, and the relationship between them is emerging. Second, (Floridi, 2002, 2014), due to the new information context, the thesis that an Information Philosophy will be required to understand current phenomena is analyzed. The basic assumptions of this new area of philosophy and some problems that make up its research agenda are analyzed. As it seeks to contribute to the understanding of the new directions of philosophical research on the Knowledge Society, in the Digital era.
KEYWORDS: Information, Knowledge, Communication, Philosophy of Information, Ethic