ABSTRACT:Iwata Rashi Shop is one of the restaurants in Bekasi. This shop applies the concept of the firstJapanese nuance in its surroundings. This shop was founded in January 2010 which serves a variety of Japanesespecialties such as Ramen and Takoyaki. The problem at the Iwata Rashi Shop is a problem in production andservice time which is considered to be less than optimal even though a rotational assignment has been assignedto each employee. Therefore it is necessary to place appropriate employees to increase production time andservice time. In achieving this goal, a method is needed that can solve this problem, the method that can be usedis the Assignment Method using the Hungarian Method. The Assignment Method is the science of setting upindividuals to do the right job and according to their abilities, so the time spent on carrying out these tasks canbe minimized to reduce production time/production costs. This method was chosen because it has a simpleproblem solving that can be easily understood. Another advantage of the assignment method is that each humanresource can only be assigned to a single type of work, so workers can more focus on doing their jobs. Thisresearch was conducted to find the right assignment for each employee so that later each worker can be assignedan assignment using the Assignment Method. Thus it can be seen the level of effectiveness before using theAssignment Method and after using the Assignment Method. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion,it can be concluded that the assignment method has proven to be effective for solving assignment problems atIwata Rashi Shops who want optimal production time and service time. With the results of Task P1 (chasier)done by R (Rizal) with a processing time of 0.50 Seconds, Task P2 (Cooking Ramen) is done by D (Danis) witha processing time of 10.07 Minutes, Task P3 (Cooking Takoyaki) is done by S (Soleh) with a processing time of10.01 minutes. So, it can be concluded that using the assignment method has optimal results, namely 20.58minutes.
Keywords: assignment method, Hungarian method, optimal, worker placement