James Lovelock And The Novacene: A Metaphoric Description Of The Future Of The Human Species At The Verge Of Extinction. – AJHSSR

James Lovelock And The Novacene: A Metaphoric Description Of The Future Of The Human Species At The Verge Of Extinction.

James Lovelock And The Novacene: A Metaphoric Description Of The Future Of The Human Species At The Verge Of Extinction.

ABSTRACT: Our poorly conceived civilization technology has precipitated and anticipated our climate’s evolution. As organic species that under evolution, our reign is at the terminal phase both in being and in intelligence. The cosmos’ temperature is progressively unbearable for the human and other organic species. Our species is at the end of the Anthropocene and a step already into the Novacene climate evolutionary period. The human species as well as his climate are products of evolution which involves the natural selection of climate resistant species and the entelechy of this evolution is the attainment of hyperintelligent and electronic species whose teleology is grasping the intimate essence of the universe and attainment of more qualitative beings. It is in this context of technological and climate crisis menacing the extinction of the human species that James Lovelock in a metaphoric style, draws our attention of an imminent organic species elimination and the appearance of electronic life (cyborg) that possesses hyperintelligence and is successor of organic life that we are. Crisis because the evolution of the cosmos climate is anticipated whereas that of the species that inhabit this climate isn’t. Reason why species finds it difficult to adapt and the fear of extinction. His survival will need a climate or ecological humanism. The Human species cannot survival in a high temperature “oikos” meant for electronic/ hyperintelligent beings. This successor of the human species is able to bear extreme temperatures, think intuitively opposed to the classical step by step logical thinking and grasp quanta phenomena. “Gaia” which is the auto-regulatory climate element in the Anthropocene is equally going to metamorphose to electronic Gaia in the Novacene period. His metaphor is interpreted as the promotion of ab-humanism which descends the human species from pedestal of the chosen being to a horizontal rank, if not subaltern to other beings in nature. In a crisis situation classical humanism can dilute or revisit its vertical relationship with nature for preservation of his species; it could be ecological or climate humanism.
Key words: Novacene, hyperintelligence, electronic life, climate, organic life, evolution, intuition, extinction,
climate humanism