ABSTRACT : The research objective is to determine the role of job satisfaction in mediating the effect oforganizational justice on organizational commitment. This research conducted at the Om Ham Retreat andResort Hotel. The number of samples taken are 72 employees, with a saturated sampling method. Datacollection collected through interviews and questionnaires, analyzed using path analysis. Based on the results ,Organizational justice has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has a positive andsignificant effect on organizational commitment. Organizational justice has a positive and significant effect onorganizational commitment. Job satisfaction mediates positively and significantly the effect of organizationaljustice on organizational commitment. Hotel management is advised that employees’ organizational commitment is increasingly loyal to the company by increasing the level of employee job satisfaction bymeeting employee needs. Employee organizational fairness is further enhanced by giving a fair attitude to allemployees and listening to employee aspirations so that employees do not have the desire to leave the company.
KEYWORDS : organizational justice, organizational commitment, job satisfaction