Journey of Reintegration: Stories of Bangsamoro Decommissioned Combatants – AJHSSR

Journey of Reintegration: Stories of Bangsamoro Decommissioned Combatants

Journey of Reintegration: Stories of Bangsamoro Decommissioned Combatants

ABSTRACT :Along with the journey of the Bangsamoro to long-lasting peace, this study aimed to explorethe experiences, challenges, coping mechanisms, and insights learned by the decommissioned MILF combatantsin their journey to community reintegration. This study utilized the qualitative method using phenomenology,particularly hermeneutic phenomenology, as a research design to describe the journey of the participants in theircommunity reintegration. There were nine participants chosen using a purposive sampling technique from threeof the major camps of MILF that participated in the study. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the answers ofthe participants. Importance of safety and livelihood, had various duties as part of the MILF, a semblance ofnormalcy, rampant fighting and peace agreement violations, a potpourri of positive and negative emotions, lifehas changed much for the better, community and family support is important and none or minimal stigma anddiscriminations are the experiences of the participants in community reintegration. The coping mechanisms ofthe participants in reintegration are financial assistance from the government, provisions of training andlivelihood stocks, strength emanated from belief in Islam, assistance from the MILF top officials, communitysupport was not lacking and the family provided moral support. Further, the insights shared by the participantsare no more fear, being decommissioned helps our livelihood, there are still unfulfilled promises, respect,acceptance, and willingness of the community, cooperate with the government, do not give up one’s ideals, anddo join the next batch of decommissioning. Thus, reintegration is never easy. Social, financial, emotional, andpsychological support is crucial to the success of reintegration.

KEYWORDS: social development, community reintegration, hermeneuticphenomenology, decommissionedcombatants, Philippines