Julius Kambarage Nyerere’s Philosophical thoughts on the Aspect of Master –Servant Relationship: A Case For The Contradictory Attitudes of Today’s Contemporary Political Leadership – AJHSSR

Julius Kambarage Nyerere’s Philosophical thoughts on the Aspect of Master –Servant Relationship: A Case For The Contradictory Attitudes of Today’s Contemporary Political Leadership

Julius Kambarage Nyerere’s Philosophical thoughts on the Aspect of Master –Servant Relationship: A Case For The Contradictory Attitudes of Today’s Contemporary Political Leadership

ABSTRACT: This Paper discusses Julius Kambarage Nyerere‘s philosophy of leadership which is againstmaster slave relation as a solution to the problem of master-slave relation between leaders and the citizens theylead. Leadership is essential in the process of building a peaceful society. Based on this fact, this Paperscrutinizes the concept of leadership. The Paper highlights the kind of relationship most global leaders developbetween themselves and their subordinates, the citizens they lead. From a small sample of a few leaders out ofthe many, it is shown that, most leaders relate with their subordinates in a master-slave relationship. This kind ofrelationship has its roots from the historical fact of slavery in which people were bought like ships to work forthe masters. Masters considered slaves as their properties and they did whatever they wanted with them. Slaveshad no rights nor human dignity in the eyes of the master. It is argued that, although slavery in contemporarysociety is practiced, still, this kind of relation is manifested in leadership. According to Julius KambarageNyerere, whenever society is divided into classes, then automatically some members of the society becomemasters while others, slaves. Normally, leaders have assumed the position of a master as they belong to theupper class. It can be seen that, this kind of leadership disposition does not work when it comes to people‘sdevelopment. In this regard, deriving from Julius Kambarage Nyerere‘s philosophy of leadership, it isrecommended that global leaders should change their mindset by considering their position as not masters,