ABSTRACT:Learning and the level of teaching ability are two of the very important components in theefficacy of gathering of information especially in the field of education. This research is focused on the generalobjective, which is to know the level of teaching ability of the PreService Teachers of the Western MindanaoState University and its significant relationship with the learning of their students in Filipino subject. Theinstrument used the descriptive correlational method through percentages, weighted mean, Pearson Rcomputation and 5-point Likert Scale. The respondents in this study are the critique teachers that serve asmentor in their on/off-campus teaching as Pre-service teachers. The assessment of the teaching ability onFilipino subject of the Pre-Service Teachers used a Likert Scale ranging from no excellence to excellent and thelearning of their students on the said subject. According to the results of the data collection, it was found out thatthe general weighted mean of the teaching ability level in Filipino subject is 4.47 which is “excellent” and all thevariables in measuring the students’ learning are “excellent”. After analyzing the data using Pearson Rcomputation, the two variables used, appeared to have a “Strong Relationship and Significant”. This only showsthat when the level of teaching ability of a Pre-Service Teacher is high, the learning level of the students is alsohigh.
KEYWORDS: Ability, Filipino,IMRaD,Pre-Service Teachers, Teaching,