KalanganyarSentrisBerseri: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program by Aviation Fuel Terminal Juanda to Unlocking the Potential of Suburban Area in Kalanganyar Village, Sidoarjo – AJHSSR

KalanganyarSentrisBerseri: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program by Aviation Fuel Terminal Juanda to Unlocking the Potential of Suburban Area in Kalanganyar Village, Sidoarjo

KalanganyarSentrisBerseri: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program by Aviation Fuel Terminal Juanda to Unlocking the Potential of Suburban Area in Kalanganyar Village, Sidoarjo

ABSTRACT : Kalanganyar Sentri Berseri is a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program by PT. Pertamina Patra Niaga – Aviation Fuel Terminal (AFT) Juanda. This initiative is implemented in Kalanganyar Village, Sedati Subdistrict, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java Province. Kalanganyar Village spans approximately 3,000 hectares, with 80% dedicated to milkfish ponds, which form the primary economic backbone of the community. These ponds have led to a new economic activity: milkfish deboning services provided by housewives. However, waste from this deboning process is often disposed of carelessly into water channels, causing odor and water pollution. Therefore, the company aims to address this issue through a community empowerment CSR program that actively involves the community. This paper examines the process of implementing the CSR program by PT Pertamina AFT Juanda, covering planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation, using the Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach.

KEYWORDS :Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), KalanganyarSentrisBerseri, PT. Pertamina Patra Niaga – Aviation Fuel Terminal (AFT) Juanda dan Participatory Rural Appraisal.