ABSTRACT : This study focuses on the Gathering of Words Emerging During the Pandemic as a TeachingTool in Filipino and on the Level of Creative Reading Comprehension, to increase the level of comprehensioncreatively based on the originality of the words, connotations, and imagination of the learners. This is because,part of what is being studied in the various Filipino literatures is full of questions and giving interpretations iswhat it needs to be used for creative understanding. The researcher utilized the experimental method, therespondents were about 100 of the grade 12 SHS students of Dr. Panfilo Castro National High. The teacherdeveloped a brochure and learning activity sheets, based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies, whichwere distributed to the students. Before using the said tool, the test was given to the learner‟s which came outnot to meet the expectations. When the teacher measured the level of creative understanding of the students, thelearning activity sheets were provided each week along with the brochure. After almost a whole quarter, theteacher administered the test to students again and it turned out that their level had risen up to its highest level.That is why the hypothesis that there is no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test is rejected,since the result of this study about the words that emerged during the pandemic helped the students in theircreative understanding aspect.
KEYWORDS: Gathering of words emerging during Pandemic, Filipino, Creative Reading Comprehension