Language Attitudes among Balinese Workers in Cruise Ships toward Indonesian Language – AJHSSR

Language Attitudes among Balinese Workers in Cruise Ships toward Indonesian Language

Language Attitudes among Balinese Workers in Cruise Ships toward Indonesian Language

ABSTRACT: This research discussed about a language phenomena in a multilingual and multicultural society.It is aimed at finding out the language attitudes of the Balinese workers in international cruise ships towardIndonesian language. Several Balinese workers of two selected cruise ships were selected to be the informants,as well as respondents of this research. The data related to the language attitudes were collected usingobservation and interview methods, and also supported with questionnaire. The main focus of the discussionwas the language attitudes showed by the Balinese workers in three components, based on Lambert’s theory ofattitudes (1960); affective, conative, and cognitive components. The results showed that all respondents showedneutral category of language attitudes toward Indonesian language. However, the interference of Balinese andEnglish were still in presence because there were obligated situations in which the respondents must use them inorder to do effective and be well-communicated with other ethnicities in their surroundings.

Keywords: Indonesian language, language attitudes, multilingual, multicultural