Law Enforcement against Criminal Acts of Online Gaming InThe Jurisdiction of the City of Surabaya – AJHSSR

Law Enforcement against Criminal Acts of Online Gaming InThe Jurisdiction of the City of Surabaya

Law Enforcement against Criminal Acts of Online Gaming InThe Jurisdiction of the City of Surabaya

ABSTRACT: The purpose of doing research on law enforcement against online gambling crime is to find outthe form of law enforcement, especially in the city of Surabaya. The research method used by the author is anormative research method, the author collects some data to be used to answer the problem formulation, whichcomes from laws and regulations, books or literature, journals, and official documents. The results of the studycan be concluded that in the enforcement of criminal law, there are two ways in carrying out countermeasures.In carrying out the first countermeasures, using penal law enforcement, and the second countermeasures usingnon-penal law enforcement. Law enforcement against online gambling uses penal countermeasures, where theprocess is the same as other criminal acts starting from the investigation, investigation, to trial process. In theforms of criminal acts of conventional gambling and online gambling, the contents of the article are not muchdifferent. In conventional gambling still uses the traditional way. However, online gambling is much moremodern because it uses the internet network and information technology media such as cellphones or laptops.Regulations regarding conventional gambling can be seen in Article 303 or 303 of the Criminal Code, whileregulations regarding online gambling are regulated in Article 45 paragraph (2) of Law Number 19 of 2016concerning Electronic Information and Transactions.

Keywords:Law Enforcement; Online Gaming Crime; ITE