Leadership Communication Style in Forming Corporate Identity (Renewing PT Peruri’s Corporate Reputation through the BUMN Business Concept Transformation Program) – AJHSSR

Leadership Communication Style in Forming Corporate Identity (Renewing PT Peruri’s Corporate Reputation through the BUMN Business Concept Transformation Program)

Leadership Communication Style in Forming Corporate Identity (Renewing PT Peruri’s Corporate Reputation through the BUMN Business Concept Transformation Program)

ABSTRACT: BUMN is a state-owned company that handles and manages assets belonging to the nation and these assets have benefits for the lives of all Indonesian people. BUMN also has the task of being a driving force for economic growth and facilitating employment opportunities for the wider community. Basically, BUMN was founded to create a prosperous society in various fields. In this way, it is hoped that people’s needs at all levels can be met. Various needs whose fulfillment is managed by BUMN include health, transportation, construction, energy, mining and minerals, agriculture, fisheries, plantations, finance, and others. Fulfilling these needs is then managed professionally and commercialized to the public. From the efforts carried out, BUMN makes a profit.BUMN as a state-owned enterprise, in order to be able to progress rapidly and have good business governance, needs to have a dynamic mindset in carrying out all business programs to generate revenue and profit. All BUMNs must produce good and high-quality business performance, human resources, systems as corporate identity and be able to make a positive contribution to the nation and state. Indonesia currently has 95 BUMNs that have been declared to have sound governance and are able to compete, which previously numbered 142 BUMNs. Some went bankrupt and even went bankrupt and were reorganized in a restructuring process with the aim of renewing and refreshing the company’s performance. Entering the industrial era 5.0, communication has become the main pulse in the development of modern organizations, namely bringing changes to the future of corporations that have global competitiveness with strong local resources through the transformation of business concepts and dynamic mindsets. Peruri, as one of the state-owned companies that manages the issuance of state money and letters, valuable state-owned logos, is carrying out business transformation to answer challenges in the competitive era to become a corporate champion at the level of a world class company. This type of qualitative research aims to analyze the Peruri transformation process and voice the idea of the importance of transformation. The research uses a transformative paradigm framework, with an interpretive approach and library methods. Data was obtained from several literature materials and content analysis.

KEYWORDS: Leadership communication style, business transformation, corporate identity, Peruri, BUMN