ABSTRACT : The (Covid-19) pandemic, online and modular learning are evidently a new norm to be adopted. With the abrupt closure of campuses across the country aimed to control the spread of COVID-19, students migrated to a wide assortment of living situations, a large number of which presented difficulties to learning. As schoolsclosed,manystudentsenteredstressfuldomesticsituationsthataren’t conducive to learning. Thus, the primary goal of this study is to figure out what the students’ face as barriers to distance learning on learner’s life skills. The main reason thatinspirestheresearchertoconductthisstudyistoinvestigatetheproblems encountered by the students on the implementation of distance learning. Thestudycovers105respondentsfromthe major of Social Science students in Laguna State polytechnic University Sta. Cruz main Campus. The descriptive method of research was used in the study to analyze and interpret the data being gathered from the respondents. Result reveals that students are experiencing barriers on distance learning.Thebarriersofdistancelearningarecommunication,costandaccess to internet, credibility, motivation and family support, these were all highly experienced by the respondents. The acquisition of learners’ life skillsintermsofcriticalthinkingskill,interpersonalskillandself–management skillswereallhighlyinsufficient,whiletechnicalskillwasinterpretedas averagelyinsufficient. The barriers of distance learning have an effect on learner’s life skills, accordingly the research hypothesis expressing that there is no significant effectbetweenbarriersofdistancelearningandlearner’slifeskills. Researcher recommends further investigation of students’ barriers to help other educators and institutions develop course materials and strategies properly. However, the understanding and alleviating technology issues are significant, particularly with the fast development of innovation.
KEYWORDS: learning barriers, delivery mode of learning, modular learning, learning skills, distance learning.