Learning from Bima: A Myth Perspective – AJHSSR

Learning from Bima: A Myth Perspective

Learning from Bima: A Myth Perspective

ABSTRACT: The article entitled “Learning from Bima” in the perspective of a myth is a scientific writing that contains the story of the birth of Bima to the process to get a set of life-guiding beliefs. In the process, many events that are passed through related to the nature of the natural and cultural environment that is not entirely logical or have hidden logic, but require leaps of extra careful logic, because it gets beyond habits that cause myths appear to be irrational. The story that was worked on was Bima character who eventually met Dewaruci, his God. In this research, we used a qualitative method that emphasizes the full involvement of researchers in digging for and collecting data to conduct analysis, as well as compiling reports, and articles. Myth theory is used to reconstruct a symbolic mythological understanding of living energy such as water, wind or its composition that is converted into fire/apui, water/udgata, wind/maruta becoming a symbol of God, namely AUM. The results of the research were descriptive understanding of the use of water, wind, and fire as sources of vital energy for life that can be obtained through samadi.
KEYWORDS: Bima, Dewaruci, water, wind, fire