Light Sign Communication Between Pilot and ATC: Language Function and Semiotics Analysis – AJHSSR

Light Sign Communication Between Pilot and ATC: Language Function and Semiotics Analysis

Light Sign Communication Between Pilot and ATC: Language Function and Semiotics Analysis

ABSTRACT: This study discusses the function of Light Sign Communication Between Pilot and ATC in the scope of Language Function and Semiotics Analysis. Language Function and Semiotics are two important things that can be used to discuss the Communication Between Pilot and ATC in the aviation system. This study combines aviation systems with linguistics. Objectives of this research are designed 1) to analyze the process of a signal meaning difference from gun light, and 2) to describe how pilots perceive signals from gun lights. The result of this study shows that the understanding in communicating between the Pilot and ATC is very important for flight safety. The failure of light sign communication with the pilot may lead to catastrophic. The implication of this study will increase the awareness of how important it is to maintain a communication system when flying for flight safety
KEYWORDS: Light Sign, Communication, Pilot, ATC, Language Function, Semiotics.