ABSTRAC :Pancasila is a national principle of the Republic of Indonesia. In the past 10 years, there has been adecline in public understanding and it is inversely proportional to the increase in intolerance in Indonesia. Oneof the causes of reducing understanding of Pancasila is due to the ineffectiveness of the Pancasila learningmethod. An idea emerged to package Pancasila learning through play activities is by using the Snakes andLadders media. This research was conducted to answer how mainstreaming Pancasila process through the Snakeand Ladder game media. This research used design thinking (empathy, define, ideate, prototype, test). Themethod used was interviews. The research subjects were elementary school, junior high school, high schoolstudents, collage students, participants in the Pancasila Snakes and Ladders simulation and teachers/facilitatorswho participated in the Pancasila Snake and Ladder Simulation (training of trainer) workshop. The resultsshowed that there were differences in understanding of Pancasila for elementary, junior high, high school andcollege students. The Pancasila Ladder Snake received a positive response from teachers/education activists.The workshop was held in 3 batches in August and September 2020 with a total of 94 participants from morethan 30 regions in Indonesia. Participants were excited and enthusiastic about participating in the workshop andproducing action plans to implement them in their areas by 2021 if the situation allows. This research isexpected to be useful and encourage the movement to mainstream Pancasila. Thud, it is more widely spread invarious regions in Indonesia.
KEYWORDS: Pancasila, Design Thiking, Snake and Ladders