Malcolm Knowles Andragogy and Demotivation in Arabic Learning at Islamic University in Indramayu – AJHSSR

Malcolm Knowles Andragogy and Demotivation in Arabic Learning at Islamic University in Indramayu

Malcolm Knowles Andragogy and Demotivation in Arabic Learning at Islamic University in Indramayu

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to explore the scope of Malcolm Knowles’ andragogy concept as alearning theory for adult education, to reveal the characteristics of Arabic and its learning methodology as twodemotivating factors, and to formulate alternative solutions to motivate students’ Arabic learning based on theseconcepts. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Data was collected using observation, interviews,essays and documentation. The participants were 238 students. Data analysis uses comparative categorizationanalysis techniques. The results of this study: 1) The application of the concept of andragogy in three Islamicuniversities in Indramayu can help students face problems in learning Arabic, 2) The characteristics of theArabic language that distinguish it from other languages in the world in terms of sounds, letters, vocabularyand sentences, are the main attraction for Arabic language learners to better understand and explore it, and 3)Several alternative solutions to motivate Arabic language learning in Islamic universities based on this conceptinclude: teacher performance, organizing teaching materials, learning methods, realizing Arabiyah bi’ah, andpromoting Arabic language activities.

Keywords -Andragogy, Demotivation, Arabic Learning