Marginalization of the Female Character in the Novel of KelirSlindet and Telembuk: A Study of Gender Feminism – AJHSSR

Marginalization of the Female Character in the Novel of KelirSlindet and Telembuk: A Study of Gender Feminism

Marginalization of the Female Character in the Novel of KelirSlindet and Telembuk: A Study of Gender Feminism

ABSTRACT: These novels told us about the complex side of a woman against the patriarchal culture like described in these two novels. This study used the techniques of collecting the data using the technique of library, observation attentively, and note. There were two techniques of collecting the data in this study: 1) Reading and reviewing the novel of KelirSlindetand Telembukby KedungDarmaRomansa repeatedly that became the objects of the research, interpreting and noting the things that were related to
the marginalization of the characters viewed from the aspect of feminism. 2) Reading several books, articles, the results of the research that had been conducted by the previous researches and all forms of other readings that could be used to support this study. To get rid of her track, Safitri changed her name to Diva Fiesta and lived from stage to stage as a singer and tried to forget what had happened to her when fighting the rigors of the patriarchal culture and surviving in a society that gave her pressure and terror every day.
Keywords: Feminism, Gender, Marginalization, Novel, Literature