Mga Batayan sa Pagpili ng Asignaturang Medyor ng mga Magaaral ng Batsilyer ng Sekundaryang Edukasyon sa Pampamahalaang Unibersidad ng Kanlurang Mindanao – AJHSSR

Mga Batayan sa Pagpili ng Asignaturang Medyor ng mga Magaaral ng Batsilyer ng Sekundaryang Edukasyon sa Pampamahalaang Unibersidad ng Kanlurang Mindanao

Mga Batayan sa Pagpili ng Asignaturang Medyor ng mga Magaaral ng Batsilyer ng Sekundaryang Edukasyon sa Pampamahalaang Unibersidad ng Kanlurang Mindanao

ABSTRACT: College plays a significant role in the life and future of the students. It is associated with theindividual’s course selection as well as with their life in the future. The main objective of this study is todetermine the factors that became the basis for selecting the area of specialization of the Bachelor of SecondaryEducation students. Therefore, it focused on determining the factors that may have influenced students inchoosing the subject as a specialization. This study is a quantitative research that used descriptive researchdesign and cluster sampling method. The data was collected from seventy (70) participating BSED studentsfrom different areas of specialization through a questionnaire survey. In the entirety of this study, it was foundthat the most influential factor was the consideration of future job opportunities which was the basis forstudents to choose the subject as a major. In addition to this, the factor of personal choice and parent’s decisionwas also considered which motivated the students to choose the specialization. On the other hand, the factor ofpeer and former teachers’ influence was found that it did not influence the students in their decision-making inchoosing a specialization. Based on the results, the researchers gave a conclusion and recommendations tofurther develop the said study.

KEYWORDS: Career, Decision-making, Influence, Major, Subject