Mispronunciations of English Found Among the Pattinjo Students of English at the 3 Universities in Makassar: A Study on Phonological Interference – AJHSSR

Mispronunciations of English Found Among the Pattinjo Students of English at the 3 Universities in Makassar: A Study on Phonological Interference

Mispronunciations of English Found Among the Pattinjo Students of English at the 3 Universities in Makassar: A Study on Phonological Interference

ABSTRACT : This research discusseda mispronunciations among the Pattinjo native students of English at the 3Universities in Makassar which aimed to identify the mispronunciations in pronunciation of sounds in Englishword and sentence similar to Indonesian language sounds, but not in Pattinjonese sounds [ʒ], [ʃ], [ծ], [θ], [z],[f], and [v], and the cause of mispronunciations produced by the Pattinjo native students of English at theUniversities in Makassar. Then, it was analyzed using descriptive qualitative method. The researcher used notetaking as an instruments to find out more valid data. This research was conducted in order to enhance and toenrich the knowledge of the readers about the most dominant pronunciation mispronunciations produced by thestudents and the cause of those mispronunciations. The findings showed thatthe pronunciation of the seventhofsounds in English word and sentence similar to Indonesian language sounds, but not in Pattinjonese sounds /v/as the most mispronunciation produced by the students and the causes were their language interference and thespecific phonetic future of Pattinjo and English were [p,b,t,d,k,g,s,h,tʃ,dʒ,m,n,ŋ,l,w,r,j,i,a,u,e,o] in Pattinjodialect and [p,b,t,d,k,g,ʔ,f,v,θ,ծ,s,z,ʃ,ʒ,h,tʃ,dʒ,m,n,ŋ,l,r,w,j,i,ɪ,e,ɛ,æ,a,u,ʊ,o,ͻ,ɑ,ʌ,ǝ,ɜ] in English. The researcherconcluded that the mispronunciations among the Pattinjo native students of English at the 3 Universities inMakassar could be minimized by studying more about language interference.

Keywords -Mispronunciation, Pattinjo Dialect, Indonesian Language Sounds, Pattinjone Sounds