Mitigating Mental Well-Being (Self –Esteem) Challenges Caused By Wrong Career Choice Among High School Students. A Case Of Bungoma County; Kenya. – AJHSSR

Mitigating Mental Well-Being (Self –Esteem) Challenges Caused By Wrong Career Choice Among High School Students. A Case Of Bungoma County; Kenya.

Mitigating Mental Well-Being (Self –Esteem) Challenges Caused By Wrong Career Choice Among High School Students. A Case Of Bungoma County; Kenya.

ABSTRACT: Studies reviewed indicate that youths who are not being able to make satisfying career choicesmay regard self as fail-ures in their own eyes and also in the eyes of the outside world. This perceived failuremay also impair one from fulfilling their most important developmental task to meet the expectations of parentsand others resulting in low self-esteem and psychological problems. Poor career selection condemns a student tonot only having a negative self -image but also harboring harmful thoughts that could easily lead topsychological and physical harm to self as well as socio-economic inequalities that may persist well beyond theyouthful age into an individual’s adult life.Hence this study was to conducted in Bungoma County among highschool students with the aim of to establishing the causes of wrong career choice, influence of wrong careerchoice on students mental well -being or self -esteem and ways of mitigating wrong career choice on studentspersonality and mental well- being. The study adopted the descriptive Survey Design that allowed collection ofa large sample of multi variant sample data from a wider population in a fairly short span of time. A multisampling technique was employed. Stratified sampling to have fair representation of the population (National,Extra County and Sub County schools). Simple Random was used to collect real sample of schools and learnerparticipants. Purposive sampling technique was used to select Career masters. Five (5) schools were sampledfrom all the strata. A hundred (100) students were selected as follows; Fifty (50) ideal form for subjectsselection, twenty (20() form three and form four students who had already selected cluster subjects weresampled randomly then ten 910) form one students. The total sample frame became giving a total of fourhundred (400) students and Five (5) career masters; one from each school giving a total sample population of(405) participants. A self-administered questionnaire was given out to the participants.